The Fate of the Travelling Hallabong

Meet the “hallabong”, the dekopon fruit of Jeju, South Korea.


Say what?

I feel ya. Before this, the extent of my knowledge about this family of fruits is orange, mandarin, ponkan, and Sagada oranges. And it was either sweet or sour. Who knew there’s another entire orange-y world out there?

Read the rest of the entry HERE.

South Korea Pt 17: Wrapping Up Jeju

After this glimpse to Jeju Island, it is clear that it is a place I wouldn’t mind going back to in the future. It still has a lot of places waiting to be visited and explored, and we only managed to visit around a small portion of the island. Like, a really, teeny-tiny portion!

Read the rest of the entry HERE.

South Korea Pt 16: Jeju Loveland

I was debating on whether I should blog about this place, or even upload photos. Then I realized, why not? It’s one of the many highlights of my whole Jeju adventure, and it’s an… interesting place. I guess I should just choose which photos I post, huh. *dumps 90% of the Loveland pics on my WP media folder*

Besides, the month is about to end, and the second part of the year is beginning, and I bet it’s going to be really trying (I can almost feel it now) so, as a preemptive strike, why not shake things up a bit? If you are uber-conservative and have strict rules about sexuality and how it is expressed, you might wanna skip scrolling after the jump. Just sayin’.

Read the rest of the entry HERE.


South Korea Pt 15: A Roadtrip in Jeju

What happens when, in a company of three, two possess international driver’s licences — one of whom is an experienced driver, while the other may not be as experienced, but can act as a navigator – while the other one cannot drive, and cannot navigate worth a damn?

Well, this is what happens: the third one – the one who can’t drive and can’t navigate – will stay in the backseat, munching on Meiji dark chocos AND them delish Jeju Hallabongs, while tinkering with a Big Bang-filled tab, and catching some ZZZZ’s in between rides. And not feel at all guilty that the other two in front are doing all the work. Hey, I’ve a legitimate excuse!

Read the rest of the entry HERE.

South Korea Pt 14: Teddy Bear Museum

Under other circumstances, being surrounded with too many cuddly teddy bears would have been enough to send me gagging and running for the hills. But the presentation of the teddy bears in the Jeju Teddy Bear Museum kept that from happening, thank goodness. Whoever conceptualized this whole thing is a genius!

Picking up from where I left off in the last post, we continue exploring the Teddy Bear Museum. We wrapped up our visit by checking out the Elvis Theater where Elvis (a teddy bear one, of course) held a concert that lasted for about 10 minutes.

Read the rest of the entry HERE.


South Korea Pt 13: Teddy Bear Museum

When I was but a wee kid, I spent most of my time with male cousins so playtime was summed up in four words/phrases: dirt, bruises, toy cars, climbing trees. No dolls, tea sets, or tiaras in sight, and playing dress-up was a foreign concept. As for teddy bears, well… they looked just like any toy made of “rags” to me. As I grew older, however, I finally “deigned to pay attention” to the teddy bear, although I never felt the need to own one. The few I received as presents stayed in an obscure corner of my room, gathering dust, until the son or daughter of a distant cousin or something decides to drop by and I’ll just give them away. (Because, really, these things deserve someone who cares. Or so I’ve been told.)

When a visit to the Teddy Bear Museum was included in our Jeju itinerary, I thought this might be a way for me to have better appreciation for the doll. Did it happen? Well, scroll down and read on.

Read the rest of the entry HERE.

South Korea Pt 12: Chocolate Land

I don’t have a sweet tooth. I like chocolates, but I certainly can live without them. And gladly, too. (But if we’re talking about dark chocolate, we’ll have to sit down and have a serious conversation.) But that did not mean I did not appreciate our short visit to Chocolate Land (not to be confused with the Chocolate Museum which, sadly, we didn’t go to).

Read the rest of the entry HERE.