Samal Island: Hagimit Falls Nature Park

Next to the mountains, my next favorite things are waterfalls. There’s just something relaxing and soothing about seeing a cascade of water – big or small. And when we went to Samal Island, we were fully aware of how limited our time was, so it was just Maxima Aquafun on our minds. And then, while riding on the tricycle on the way to the Resort, we passed by the turnoff leading to Hagimit Falls. Our trike driver suggested we stop by there later on the way back to the Wharf. And so we did exactly that.

Read the rest of the post HERE.

Samal Island: Slidin’ & Blobbin’ at Maxima Aquafun

I was supposed to post about something else but, in an act of pure defiance, I’m switching things a bit to talk about something actually… sunny and fair. You see, it has been two weeks since rain started pouring in my corner of the country, and it hasn’t stopped since. If not for the quick day trip I made to Quezon City yesterday, I’d have never seen the sun! Now I’m back, and it’s raining more than ever, so I will look back on our sunny day trip to Samal Island more than a couple of months ago, specifically at the Maxima Aquafun.

Read the rest of the post HERE.